Kristin Luck
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Kristin Luck shares top story telling tips in advance of the ESOMAR Summer Academy....
Bridging the Gap
Kristin Luck Without a doubt the research industry is struggling to evolve at the pace of technology innovation as it relates to data and emerging data sources. We don’t have a “big data problem”, we...
Engaging With Our Future
Regular commentator and one of the mentors of this year's Young Researcher of the Year Award, Kristin Luck, talks about the importance of engaging young researchers and how you can do it....
The Problem with Privacy
The rise in big data and the recent NSA scandal has complicated the issue of data privacy and highlighted to consumers the value of their data. Regular commentator Kristin Luck thinks we need to ask...
The Business of Hacking
Very often we seem set in repeating the same processes and systems. Why? Because it's easy. Here Kristin Luck looks at harnessing the concept of life hacks, or business hacks, to foster innovation in your...
Failure is an option…
Our successes we shout from the roof tops, or at the very least mark them for posterity on Linkedin. But our failures usually provide greater learning experiences. Kristin Luck talks celebrating our failures and how,...