Challenges & Issues

Damned if you don’t. Thoughts on the Unilever Accreditation Programme

Pete Laybourne

The peace and tranquillity of the qualitative world was recently disturbed by the maelstrom that is the Unilever Accreditation Procedure. At this year’s AQR AGM in the UK, researchers gathered in number to listen to Manish Makhijani, CMI Director – Savoury, Unilever and Rebecca Wynberg CEO Global Qualitative at TNS, explain the requirement and need for a global qualitative accreditation procedure.

Reaction in the room polarised between those who were openly antagonistic and those who lemming-like formed an orderly queue to sign up. Maybe it’s a measure of the topic that so many people attended the AGM or maybe it’s simply time that the qualitative research industry got it’s best practices in order.

Unilever has embarked on the procedure because they seek to ensure a gold standard of excellence amongst the qualitative researchers it uses worldwide in order to help deliver superior consumer insight. The problem it seems stems from experience in third world countries where the quality of moderation analysis and reporting falls well short of expectations. So why the UK? Manish’s response is simple “Why not?”

The UK, along with other European countries, is amongst the thought leaders in qualitative research practice across the globe. But as Rebecca Wynberg, one of the chief architects of the programme, extorts “I care about the state of my profession and the fact that there are many people who do not possess the skills that I do well”. That appears to be the main crux of the argument. Quite simply, that professionalism in qualitative research has diminished in direct proportion to the increased number of practitioners who increasingly fail to meet basic quality standards across the whole process. “In essence” Wynberg explains “the industry is fast becoming deprofessionalised”

AQR Chair Ken Parker argues differently “The AQR raises standards of qualitative researchers through our broad range of training courses. But, regrettably, not every qualitative researcher is a member of the AQR, nor has every member benefitted from our courses. In every profession there are variations in talent, I’m sure ours is no exception. Nevertheless, it’s disappointing that Unilever has decided to implement its accreditation scheme. Of course, their desire for high quality researchers is understandable, but the tried and tested ‘only as good as your last job’ has always seemed to work extremely well in the past, and even more so in today’s competitive environment. The question is whether the tests that Unilever apply are truly able to differentiate between capable and incapable? Only time will tell.”

In a people business that is a fair assessment. However, rosters have long been in existence where agencies and individuals are assessed by the quality of their individual last project output, performance and deliverables.

Furthermore, why the quest to shoot the messenger? From personal experience many of the Unilever CMI and marketing teams fall short in their ability to adequately brief or manage a qualitative project. Moreover, many do not know, understand or appreciate what is required in a qualitative project or understand the bases upon which qualitative methodologies and disciplines are adopted and used. This is recognised by Unilever, and as a consequence all the (7000) global CMI and marketing management will attend an intensive two day qualitative immersion programme about how to brief a project, how to manage it and how to use a group discussion in order to understand the consumer. In addition there is a fallback of a Best Practice Qualitative Manual (written by Wynberg) that they can reference if needed. ‘Not good enough’ I hear you cry … At the end of the day, ‘rubbish in and rubbish out’ remains a reasonable mantra. Quite simply, it is a two way street and whilst it may be reasonable to take aim at the messenger those doing the shooting are equally culpable.

So what of the process itself?
The programme was instigated in China and South Africa, two of the many markets where Unilever have experienced inconsistencies in qualitative best practice, and is now on a roll out.

To this end, the quest is ‘to find and identify gold standard researchers who have the capability of producing best in the world class quality of work’. The Unilever mantra states “The gold standard researcher is a researcher who has the ability to go beyond the findings and provide strategic advice in terms of implications of the brand or category; they need to be conscientious strategic thinkers who have empathy with the Unilever context be able to provide – ideas and thoughts and have the ability to linkup brand and category issues with consumer understanding and be challenging and proactive.” These skills and qualities need to be consistently evident over and above excellent qualitative skills in moderating. I personally believe that to be the essence of any good qualitative researcher and if they’re not then they shouldn’t be used anyway!

Researchers are then split in terms of research lead, those who would lead the study and be expected to be completely involved from briefing to debrief and would attend a substantial part of fieldwork even not if they were not conducted themselves. And moderators, those who receive the discussion guide from the research lead and conduct fieldwork and provide fieldwork to the research leads.

The goal is that Unilever will only work with the accredited research leads and moderators in the future

In short, in response to receiving a brief and responding to it in terms of a proposal and discussion guide, candidates are then expected to conduct a one hour group discussion and have a subsequent dialogue in terms of how they may approach the analysis and debrief, although no actual analysis, debrief or presentation is required. The accreditor then makes a recommendation to the accreditation board and “accreditation or not granted”

The process will assess a match in skills and capabilities of the researchers and moderators to the requirements for undertaking various Unilever qualitative research projects. Those meeting the standard will be given accreditation to work on projects. In addition, agencies are expected to pay for the privilege of assessment, not on an agency basis but per candidate per group including, if required, a viewing facility for the accreditor. A costly sum with no guarantee of work once accredited.

As an aside, at the time of writing, over 300 research leads or moderators are in the process of assessment by up to 6 or seven accreditors.

Who judges the judges you may well ask. Who are this unique band of experts who have the ability to assess whether any individual is worthy of accreditation? And on what basis? Apparently, a number of the great and the good in the qualitative industry had a workshop to decide on what criteria researchers were to be judged. The upshot being that 80 characteristics were identified upon which potential candidates were to be assessed or found wanting. In effect candidates were expected to pass on the majority of the characteristics identified by their peers in terms of what makes a good qualitative researcher. So a creative discipline is to be judged by mechanical process where most boxes ticked wins?

To the casual reader, at this point in time, it may be interesting to observe that group discussions are only one of the many methodologies and disciplines available to qualitative researchers; that moderation alone is not the only means of determining research excellence; analysis interpretation and presentation are as much if not more important elements of the art. Moreover, when was the last time anybody conducted a one hour group? Furthermore, I have met many planners who have sat behind a two-way mirror seeing a good moderator and thinking that they could produce the same result. As Simon Chadwick former CEO of both RI and NOP observes, “we all applaud efforts to improve quality in this industry. However, I have concerns in this instance both about the way in which accreditation is taking place (one group really cannot tell us anything) and about the potential for this process to preserve in aspic old ways of conducting qualitative research when so many new approaches are now opening up the field in so many ways. The intent is laudable, but the execution is deeply flawed”.

So is the Unilever process flawed?
In short, not as a concept. Unilever have simply identified a problem one which has been existent in qualitative research for many years and that the industry has done nothing about.

No self-respecting qualitative researcher would argue against the inauguration of a quality standard that embraces the heart of what they do for a living. We all want to deliver the best and Unilever have nailed their colours to the mast in that they will only deal with those who they perceive to be the best.

The concept is commendable; the execution open to debate; but the intent has to be admired and accepted. At the end of the day, the procedure has been implemented and is in process of delivery. You either buy into it or you don’t. More importantly, the onus is on the professional bodies to have a dialogue with Unilever so that it becomes the blueprint for across the board quality standards for all qualitative researchers. As Jane Frost CEO of MRS has stated, “ MRS believes that standards are important and that is a key emphasis as is any attempt to improve them and we will embrace and engage with such initiatives”.

The danger is that other companies may adopt the Unilever ethos and may only use Unilever accredited qualitative researchers.

The final word rests with Adam Phillips, ESOMAR Chair of Professional Standards and Legal Affairs Committees, he says “Unilever has an absolute right to choose any supplier it wants and to set the standards they are expected to meet. This particular action has been controversial among qualitative researchers because Unilever is seen as a thought leader in research and, therefore, likely to be followed by others. I understand that there is some concern about this initiative, as an assessor for the MRS Fast Track full membership assessment we know that the quality and fairness of the assessment depends on the experience of the people doing it and the detailed guidance they are given for their assessment. I can understand why qualitative researchers are nervous about being assessed and I appreciate the risk to their reputations in agreeing to be assessed, but there is no reason why the Unilever system could not deliver the same standardised quality of assessment as the MRS. If I were in charge of research for Unilever, I would want to maintain diversity of experience and approach among my approved qualitative researchers and I would like to ensure that any quality assurance process did not lead to a completely uniform “plain vanilla” approach to this creative and stimulating  type of research.”

It is patently clear that, the professional bodies need to retake the moral high ground rather than talk about it, quickly, now.

But whatever you personally believe, think or feel, no matter how rattled your sensitivities may have become, you’re dammed if you don’t engage with the current Unilever process if you want to be considered for their business.

Pete Laybourne is Chairman at Fathom International in the UK.

If you are interested in attending the ESOMAR Qualitative 2o12 conference in Amsterdam more details including the full programme can be found on the ESOMAR event pages.


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Joan Manuel Llusà July 12, 2013 at 6:28 am

I hesitate if thats only a strategy for growth for TNS and another big research companies… looking for a monopole also in qualitative…
But main problem is good qualitative don’t lives comfortable big research agencies.. because big companies aren’t not friendly ecosystem for creative and more bright minds.. Big agencies choose more brilliant people for customer relationship but not let invest her time making “production”.. because less profitable than selling..
Qualitative research becomes more “industry” and less “art”.. main problem will be in the future: wich kind of people will be atracted for qualitative job?
in fact i agree also some acreditation program will be interesting, but only if was a industry associations matter like ESOMAR, Aedemo, etc.. …. but main problem is, in my advice, not qualitative skills… main risk will be big companies that woks only with big agencies… killing talent.?

Unilever’s Qualitative Accreditation Program & Misdirected Quest for “Fresh Ideas” « Research Design Review January 26, 2013 at 6:40 pm

[…] program for qualitative research.  Among others, the Market Research Society, ESOMAR’s Research World, and Kathryn Korostoff (Research Rockstar) have all outlined what led up to this program, the […]

Andrew December 14, 2012 at 1:20 pm

Whilst I think Unilever’s scheme is OTT, I can see why they think it’s necessary.

Perhaps if the qual industry stopped looking through the one way mirror, and turned the mirror on itself, it might be able to recognise the serious deficiencies that frustrate Unilever and other larger users of qual and make some bold strides to innovate instead of being so defensive.

This kind of response is why all too often, I only have a choice between mediocre agencies who still think that a focus group environment, with its incumbent poor client behaviours, is the best and only option.

Try working in enviroments outside London- across developing regions as I do and where companies are looking for future growth, and you’ll see it’s dismal at best.

I’d rather see the qual industry revolutionise itself rather than whinging about Unilver.

Eventi, conferenze, forum! « MondoDelleRicerche November 8, 2012 at 3:15 pm


Neil McPhee, Nuance Research Ltd October 29, 2012 at 2:05 pm

Hi Pete and all others. It’s hard to know where to start with my rejection of the UNI accreditation idea.

it might be with whether a client perspective has sufficient knowledge/insight to recognise what it is like on the other side of the glass.

it might be with whoever is the “assessor” and their skills.

it might be with the ensuing pressure on accredited moderators to “tow the party line” and do what they are told.

it might be with the evaluation of a moderator’s skill based on an hour’s group (with no evaluation of the rapport development stage, outside the interview room – an essential component).

it might be with the inevitable standardisation which ensues.

it might be with the notion that moderation which follows the topic guide or which has lots of chat appears better than one which goes off-script and/or allows some people to speak only when they have something to say out loud.

And this is before we get to the level of understanding all the background skills which Luigi (hi Luigi! how are you!!) mentions.

all in all, i am all for some form of skills plus training license, but NOT client administered or assessed. what an unhelpful route that is. we urgently need to weed out amateur moderators and any perception that moderation is easy (as one client once said, in the USA, ‘ it’s easy: all you have to do is read out the questions’ ). but certainly not a few individuals, perhaps unconsciously cloning their own view of good moderation.

a final point: my own view differs from Nick’s. I believe that the moderation is THE essential component. a good moderator can provide more material to analyse than a poorer one: good analysis cannot overcome poor material.

Come on all real Qual professionals: resist this move, absolutely, and firmly. don’t play the game at all.

Lynne Foster Shepley October 25, 2012 at 10:35 pm

I wonder if, once agencies have paid for their Unilever
accreditation and gained it, they will be expected to
Provide Unilver with research at very preferential rates?
Or am I getting cynical in my old age do you think?

Nick Tanner October 17, 2012 at 11:30 am

I think your best point, Pete, is that analysis and interpretation are arguably more important than moderating skills. Excellent moderating is useless without first-class analysis, whereas skilful analysis will often be able to extract useful data from a group where the moderating was mediocre.

Annie Pettit October 16, 2012 at 7:30 pm

I’m really not keen on a client accreditation program. These sorts of things should be handled by industry associations such as ESOMAR, MRA, and MRIA. If they don’t have programs, or if those programs are weak, then that’s where the solution needs to be.
I do believe that accreditation can be extremely important, especially since many researchers arrived at their careers with very little relevant training. It’s good to learn on the job, but it’s certainly not sufficient.

Reshma Bachwani October 16, 2012 at 4:17 pm

Luigi Toiati…you have captured (in my mind) the crux of this matter through the one sentence “I prefer living on the road as a roaming spirit than sitting at a Round Table of a staff canteen as an “accredited” Knight”. There is a certain spirit of discovery about ourselves, about people, about cultures, about society that drives us into this profession and institutionalization and templatization hits at the very core of that spirit ! I suppose no researcher who loves his / her profession would discourage any attempt at improving quality and finding new ways of exploring insight. Though i’m sure we have all seen many-a-good insight getting washed out in the endless discussions that transpire among inward looking clients who are happier regurgitating existing ideas than having the chutzpah to do anything out of the ordinary. The Buddhists believe that the environment around us is a reflection of our own thinking ! Applies to this issue as well.

luigi toiati October 15, 2012 at 3:46 pm

Dear Peter,
here you are a few lines of an article for In Brief I just wrote.
“Qualitative Research is living to my eyes, as I wrote in a recent article for RWC, a perpetual siesta of the mind: researchers prefer to use computers instead of their own brain, newcomers are ignorant either of the basic tools and of such essential disciplines as sociology, psychology, cultural anthropology, semiotics. And that’s a matter of fact, we are in crisis, we do. But why should a client pretend to be able to solve it, or to drive all of us out of this crisis by means of an its own philosopher’s stone? We need to find in ourselves, not in a company’s selfish charity, the way to solve this lethargy, that is by rediscovering the human being in ourselves, what Lleat Racs on “In Brief” defines “our heartland values”? Why not to use our brain to better know, analyse, investigate, study, apply?
Honestly, I have to thank Messrs. Unilever for their kind offer, but to reject it too: I prefer to discover the way to better and better do my job by myself, than by the “accreditation” of a company which, until proved otherwise, is (correctly) aiming at its own profit. I prefer living on the road as a roaming spirit than sitting at a Round Table of a staff canteen as an “accredited” Knight.
So, my compliments from the Hell, where I prefer to use my “damned” brain instead of singing gospel in Heaven within a chorus of “accredited” saints and virgins!!!


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