Skills & Careers
There’s some debate amongst creative professionals as to whether ideation is an individual process, a collaborative process, or both....
Insights from the Insight250 winners: Preparing the next generation of data-driven professionals through Innovation
Hans-Willi Schroiff, Professor of Consumer Behavior, European Business School Laurent Flores, Professor of Marketing, University of ParisA...
What’s in a name? Debunking preconceptions about the dissimilarities between market, UX and designer researchers
UX research can mean any range of activities depending on who you are talking to, but a popular interpretation is that it’s about measuring digital experiences....
How well do start-up cultures and market research mix?
Ellen Surdel talks to Edward Appleton about her experience in market research – and how it contrasts with the sexy world of start-ups....
Mentorship: The gift that keeps on giving
The greatest gift I ever received throughout my career was being mentored. And I hope that the greatest gift that I can ever give to others is to serve as a mentor to them....
A problem of statistical proportions
Statistical analysis is crucial at a time of big data and data-based decision-making. However, there’s also the problem when statistics are not being taught at universities correctly or used in an appropriate way....