Richard Evensen revisits Dale Carnegie's 1937 book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, and finds that after 75 years it still has some valuable lessons....
Say Cheese, Press ENTER :)
Tanvi Gupta looks at emoticons, a powerful tool for online communications but sometimes overlooked by researchers....
The Changing Role of the Internal Marketing Researcher
Kyle Nel of the Walmart Consumers Insights team addresses the changing role of the internal marketing researcher....
What Happens To Our Traditional “Crutches” As We Adopt New Methods?
Jacqueline Anderson at Forrester Research looks at how traditional research activities still fit into the world of new MR? And if so, how?...
What e-Reward’s Acquisition Of Conversition Means For MR
Roxana Strohmenger, Analyst at Forrrester Research looks at the implications of the recent take over of Conversition Strategies by e-Rewards....
Has C.O.D stolen my brother’s innocence?
Is there a link between video games and violence in children? And is the research being carried out on the possible link as comprehensive as it should be?...