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Welcome to ESOMAR’s 70th Congress!

By Jenny Karubian

The opening reception was a success tonight. Excitement was in the air for ESOMAR’s 70th anniversary, as the community came together for a welcome mixer. For some veteran attendees, it was their 30th year at this conference, for others it was a first time at both ESOMAR and in Amsterdam. At the reception attendees and vendors from Europe, Asia, North and South America, were all enthusiastically kicking off the event, as the festivities were getting underway.

Welcome to ESOMAR's 70th Congress!

The mobile DJ cruised through the reception playing beats to lighten the mood, while people enjoyed drinks and delicious hors d’oeuvres. Thanks to our sponsors, we had a nice array of wine and snacks.

Most of the vendors were set up in the exposition hall and were busy making connections and getting a good start on networking.

The vendor line up this year is outstanding! From Asia, to Europe and the US, vendors represent a large geographic scope as well as number of specialties. From focus group facilities, to tech platforms, field service agencies and sample providers, the vendors we have this 70th year are high quality partners and leaders in the market research industry. We are looking forward to seeing you for Monday’s events.

Welcome to ESOMAR's 70th Congress! 1

Welcome to ESOMAR's 70th Congress! 2

Welcome to ESOMAR's 70th Congress! 3

Jenny Karubian is CEO, President & Research Lead at Lotus Research and ESOMAR Congress 2017 official blogger

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