Jack Miles
Editor, Research World, United Kingdom
Do you want to know what happens when brands stop advertising for long periods? The renowned Ehrenberg-Bass Institute did. And they’ve been kind enough to publish their research on this area....
Transforming Insight: The 43rd hidden secret to insight success
This week we’ll be discussing Transforming Insight’s key learnings. Today, here’s my perspective on the 43rd secret to insight success Transforming Insight shares. And that’s to be obliquely educational (i.e. educate in non-direct ways) as...
Transforming Insight: The book that’ll help you create financial impact
Today, we’re discussing how insight can create financial impact....
Transforming Insight: The book that’ll help you create commercial value
This week we’ll be discussing Transforming Insight’s key learnings. Today, we’re discussing how insight creates commercial value....
Transforming Insight: The book you need glued to your desk
This week we’ll be discussing Transforming Insight’s key learnings. Today, we’re discussing what insight is....
Back to Basics: Why successful survey research communicates like road signs
Survey research only meets it objectives if it effectively communicates with participants....