COVID-19 (Corona)
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many, once familiar, aspects of our lives. From a healthcare perspective, we’re witnessing a marked improvement in personal hygiene and an increased awareness about personal wellbeing. For instance, the demand...
Demystifying the consumer mind in crisis
The world is at different stages when it comes to dealing with COVID-19 but one thing is quite clear – our lives are being reset in ways we have never imagined before. We are at...
How to turn working from home to winning from home
One of the few upsides of the corona crisis has been that many organizations are now forced to reconsider their traditional work arrangements. A “symptom” of this is that WFH has become a popular acronym....
Talking Insights | Episode 7: living labs – discovering the future of our cities
This week Srikar speaks to Tom van Arman, architect and urban planner, and a key figure at the Marineterrein living lab in Amsterdam. Living labs are providing crucial insights into how to create smarter, safer,...
I’m a researcher – get me out of here! (8) Decoding the world’s story
If the world were being diagnosed in a psychiatrist’s office today, the diagnosis might very likely be schizophrenia. If you spend time online surfing through social media, you might be forgiven for thinking that the...
The Stay at Home Diary: week 11
London. We’re all struggling to understand what a post COVID-19 world will look like. Of course, it’s still far too early to understand this. However, we can begin to understand what’s been impacted and how,...