Reactions & Foresights

Trending narratives for communication and innovation

People and purpose have always been at the centre of the discussion table for brands that want to be meaningful and memorable. Today, when the world is going through the COVID-19 crisis together, the ‘people’ aspect has emerged as even more important. Real heroes, real emotions, real stories are travelling across borders to spread the message of empathy and humanity which has made brands re-think their narratives and ways of working. Companies are becoming more thoughtful about people and sensible about their communications.

Here are 6 topics that currently connect with people worldwide and will be seen and heard more often in the future because they open up doors to purposeful work:

1. Health & wellness

The popular surge in google searches on ‘immunity’, the adoption of new categories like hand sanitizer and hand-washes in a value conscious country like India, increased attention to fitness are just a few signs of acceleration of the trend health and wellness. Because of COVID, this trend is now layered with strong emotions like fear and uncertainty – fear of the unknown and uncertainty about life. We might stop looking at ‘coughing’ or ‘sneezing’ as a problem in time but the focus on health is going to remain.  Relevant innovations in this area can go a long way.

2. Mental health

The subject of mental health has seen an increase in awareness in the past decade. More celebrities have come forward to talk about it, more characters with nuances of mental problems are being portrayed on TV and cinema, more books are getting written and more conversations are happening in the educational and corporate corridors. Pressures of lockdown, quarantining, contagion, job and pay anxiety is only going to make this more relevant. Thoughtful advertising , relevant innovations, specialized medical guidelines, employee assistance at workplace…almost every field will become a touch point and will be working around it in the future.

3. Community

Whenever we are under pressure as we are today in this COVID landscape, we either look towards our family or our community…basically people we can call our own. Being a part of the group or community is related to the core human need for ‘belonging’. Even before COVID the religion, the race, the country, the culture, the instagramers, the beliebers, the anushkavirat fanclub…we have been hearing community references all around us. This may be because of the internet boom or maybe because of the growing uncertainties and unrest around us, which makes us cling on to people we think understand us. Addressing consumers as a community and making them feel like a part of the brand family can be an interesting move for businesses.

4. Equality & inclusivity

Whether it’s race, religious exclusion, gender inequality, inclusion of the LGBTQA+ community as part of the mainstream, taking steps to include specially abled as a part of the workforce, the importance of these subjects was always high but has now become sensitive. Brands will have to come forward and show support for this shift through what they say and what they do. The stand they take today will add new facets to their imagery and purpose like relatability, being on-trend, progressive and most importantly being humane. 

5. Sustainability

Reducing waste, decreasing one’s carbon footprint, eating organic, turning Vegan, farm to table, eating and wearing local, no plastic are just few aspects of sustainability that we hear and read about. What makes it important is its width. Across its four arms – human, social, economic and environmental, it touches almost every person and every institution. Products and processes that talk about rightful sourcing, being environmentally friendly etc. will definitely be more appreciated and admired in the near future. Communications around such initiatives leave positive brand memories which will be a win for brands.

6. Environment

All of us have noticed the unpredictable climatic changes happening around us, like untimely rains or extreme temperatures. Even in the pandemic situation, one of the positives being talked about is ‘mother nature getting a breather’. For cities like Mumbai (India), the impact is very apparent…cleaner air, visibly bright skies, audible bird chirping, less vehicular noise. The subject is part of everybody, everyday and hence will remain important. Marketeers have started to contribute to this initiative with the goal to build a better world and show people that they care. Such actions help brands create more meaning and love for the brand as well.

Innovation is a way to tell people that you care by creating something that will bring a meaningful difference in their life while communication is a way to reflect that you are listening. The topics above centred on people and purpose will act as gateways to innovation and communication that are relevant, important, on-trend and long term.

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