Research in Practice
Perhaps, one of the hardest truths to accept for our industry, but clearly necessary to acknowledge, is the fact that we are running out of playbook. “What about?” you might ask. We are running out...
The View on Value: you can’t deliver value if you don’t know what it is
You’re probably trying to create value. If you aren’t you should be. After all, that’s what all marketing disciplines hope to achieve. But do you know what ‘value’ is? If you don’t – I’m sure...
New approaches to brand equity research: Understanding how context influences brand perceptions
How does the rise of promiscuous decision making affect the way we approach consumer insights? New proprietary research has uncovered variances in shopping behavior that are directly linked to brand category, spelling dramatic consequences for...
Using sci-fi for meaningful innovation
In 2012, I founded SciFutures on little more than a hunch that science fiction could be a powerful business tool. I had no proof it would take off as it was the first business consultancy...
Why consumer journeys are like a walk in the park
As insights professionals, we have a bias towards thinking the truth matters. We spend time, effort and money on finding out what is true and discounting what isn't....
Tech won’t save us from the future, thinking and doing different might
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, perky young men and women in Silicon Valley and its overseas dependencies (Shoreditch, Stockholm and Berlin etc) would proudly display their technophilia and faith in...